
KJY / 2022-03-25

R语言面向对象编程 (dataxujing.github.io)


Modern R with the tidyverse (b-rodrigues.github.io)

This book is the result of years of using and teaching R at university and then at my jobs. During my university time, I wrote some notes to help me teach R and which I shared with my students. These are still the basis of Chapter 2. Then, once I had left university, and continued using R at my first “real” job, I wrote another book that dealt mostly with package development and functional programming. This book is now merged to this one and is the basis of Chapters 9 and 10. During these years at my first job, I was also tasked with teaching R. By that time, I was already quite familiar with the {tidyverse} so I wrote a lot of notes that were internal and adapted for the audience of my first job. These are now the basis of Chapters 3 to 8. Then, during all these years, I kept blogging about R, and reading blogs and further books. All this knowledge is condensed here, so if you are familiar with my blog, you’ll definitely recognize a lot of my blog posts in here. So this book is first and foremost for me, because I need to write all of this down in a central place. So because my target audience is myself, this book is free. If you find it useful, and are in the mood of buying me a coffee, you can, but if this book is not useful to you, no harm done (unless you paid for it before reading it, in which case, I am sorry to have wasted your time). But I am quite sure you’ll find some of the things written here useful, regardless of your current experience level with R.

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最后一次修改于 2022-03-25