
KJY / 2022-12-06


范例 #

There are many Jupyter images, depending on the variety of Python libraries installed and the additional setup of R and/or PySpark

use scipy-notebook, which contains most of the basic data science libraries that I need. It contains dask , pandas , numexpr , matplotlib , scipy , seaborn , scikit-learn , scikit-image , sympy , cython , patsy , statsmodel , cloudpickle , dill , numba , bokeh , sqlalchemy , hdf5 , vincent , beautifulsoup , protobuf , xlrd , bottleneck , and pytables packages.

# To download the image, start Docker and run the following command in your terminal:
docker image pull jupyter/scipy-notebook

# launch the container
docker container run --name jupyter -p 8888:8888 -v ~/Desktop/jupyter_notebook jupyter/scipy-notebook

docker container run speaks for itself. It creates a container from the image.

--name jupyter provides a name for our container. In this way, we can refer to it instead of a long technical name.

-p 8888:8888 indicates which ports will be used for communication between the container and your system. As Jupyter is a web-based application, you need to tell the system which port will be assigned to it.

-v ~/Desktop/jupyter_notebook defines which folder from your computer should be mounted to the container. Usually, this is a folder with project working files. For example, I have project files on my desktop and I would use ~/Desktop/jupyter_notebook.

To install additional packages, you could go into the container by running the following command in the terminal:

docker container exec -it jupyter bash

Extensions can be installed using the following command launched inside the docker container.

pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions && jupyter contrib nbextension install --user

After installation, you should stop and launch the container again to see a new tab with extensions in Jupyter.

常用方法: #

将 image 文件从仓库抓取到本地。

$ docker image pull library/hello-world

上面代码中,docker image pull是抓取 image 文件的命令。library/hello-world是 image 文件在仓库里面的位置,其中library是 image 文件所在的组,hello-world是 image 文件的名字。


$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
jupyter/scipy-notebook   latest    c72931167ad2   29 hours ago   3.03GB
python                   3.7.4     9fa56d0addae   3 years ago    918MB

$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
jupyter/scipy-notebook   latest    c72931167ad2   29 hours ago   3.03GB
# 列出本机正在运行的容器
$ docker container ls 

# 列出本机所有容器,包括终止运行的容器
$ docker container ls --all

终止运行的容器文件,依然会占据硬盘空间,可以使用docker container rm 命令删除。

$ docker container rm [containerID]/[containerName]

运行上面的命令之后,再使用docker container ls --all命令,就会发现被删除的容器文件已经消失了。

docker container run命令是新建容器,每运行一次,就会新建一个容器。同样的命令运行两次,就会生成两个一模一样的容器文件。如果希望重复使用容器,就要使用docker container start命令,它用来启动已经生成、已经停止运行的容器文件。

docker container kill命令终止容器运行,相当于向容器里面的主进程发出 SIGKILL 信号。而docker container stop命令也是用来终止容器运行,相当于向容器里面的主进程发出 SIGTERM 信号,然后过一段时间再发出 SIGKILL 信号。

$ docker container stop [containerID]/[containerName]

docker container logs命令用来查看 docker 容器的输出,即容器里面 Shell 的标准输出。如果docker run命令运行容器的时候,没有使用-it参数,就要用这个命令查看输出。

$ docker container logs [containerID]

docker container exec命令用于进入一个正在运行的 docker 容器。如果docker run命令运行容器的时候,没有使用-it参数,就要用这个命令进入容器。一旦进入了容器,就可以在容器的 Shell 执行命令了。

$ docker container exec -it [containerID] /bin/bash

docker container cp命令用于从正在运行的 Docker 容器里面,将文件拷贝到本机。下面是拷贝到当前目录的写法。

$ docker container cp [containID]:[/path/to/file] .

简单流程 #

docker container ls --all
docker container start jupyter
docker container logs jupyter
docker container exec -it jupyter bash
docker container stop jupyter

# maybe used 
docker container cp ~/Desktop/joyful-pandas-master/data 89fcf2f6530c:/home/jovyan/

最后一次修改于 2022-12-06