This post will talk about four useful function in R programming. Map, Reduce, Filter and Lambda.
Lambda can be seen as a short (normally one line) function definition. There is no particular syntax for lambda in R, except that you don’t need to assign the function to a variable (function name), and also you will need to enclose the function using brackets or curly brace. For example:
(function add(x, y) x+y)
{function add(x, y) x+y}
We can pass the lambda function as a parameter to other functions e.g. Map, Reduce or Filter.
Map function allows the mapping from one vector to another using a map function, which can be specified by lambda. For example, let’s define a vector from 1 to 100.
x = 1:100
If we want to convert each element of the vector to its doubles, so we can pass a lambda to the Map function, like this:
y=Map({function (a) a*2}, x)
However, the variable y will store a list of vectors instead of a single vector. We can use the unlist function to unroll the list of vectors into a single vector.
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## [18] 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68
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## [52] 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136
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Reduce will perform the function on a list of vectors one by one, and finally return a single value.
Reduce({function (x, y) x+y}, x)
## [1] 104.5
The lambda function can be instead with sum
Reduce(sum, x)
## [1] 104.5
The function Filter will remove all elements when they do not satisfy the condition (function returns false)
x = 1:10
Filter({function (x) x%%2==0}, x)
## [1] 2 4 6 8 10
Last modified on 2018-06-17